1 Hurley Street, Campbelltown, New South Wales, Australia
Opening Hours
Information not available
Visit the Family History Room at HJ Daley Library at Campbelltown.
There you will find Australian Births/Deaths/Marriages , Assisted Immigration Records, Unassisted Immigration Records, Cemetery and Burial records and more. These records can be found in their books, microfilm and microfiche collections.
They also have computers set aside for online Family History research.
These databases can be used at any of their branch libraries. Please note: library staff can help with catalogue searches, finding books and other resources, and will show you how to use the various machines (microfilm readers, for instance), but cannot do the research for you.
Need help with your research?
If you’re just beginning or are stuck with your research, you can get help. Volunteers from Campbelltown and District Family History Society are at the library in the mornings Monday to Saturday to assist you. Please note this service operates February through November only, and may be affected by Covid restrictions. Check the website for details. Bookings and enquiries can be made at the library or by phoning them.