33 Wakefield Street, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
Opening Hours
WED 13:00 - 16:00
- Indicative Prices: $8 - $20
- Child: $5 - $5
The Adelaide Holocaust Museum & Andrew Steiner Education Centre (AHMSEC) is a unique museum within the cultural and educational landscape of the CBD.
It is inspired by the vision and work of Andrew Steiner OAM, an Adelaide based Holocaust survivor and sculptor. Andrew has passionately offered Holocaust education and reflection to South Australian secondary and tertiary students for the past 30 years. AHMSEC continues to expand and build upon his educational legacy.
The Museum’s core Holocaust exhibition and education programs encourages visitors and students alike to learn about the Holocaust and to critically reflect on its themes and their relevance in contemporary society. The museum also features the stories of six local Holocaust survivors.
Open Hours:
Tue: 1PM – 4PM
Wed:1PM – 4PM
Thu: 1PM – 4PM
Sun: 1PM – 3PM
Closed on Saturdays, some Jewish holidays and public holidays.
To ensure we remain COVID Safe for our visitors, staff and volunteers the Museum is opening with time limited sessions and we ask that you book your visit in advance.
Special Features
COVID Safe, Gallery / Museum, Disabled access available, contact operator for details.