118 Hesse Street, Queenscliff, Victoria, Australia
Opening Hours
Information not available
- Indicative Prices: $11 - $95
- Child: $22 - $22
The Queenscliff Bowling, Tennis & Croquet Club boasts excellent facilities in the beautiful and historic seaside town of Queenscliff. These include - two excellent lawn bowling greens and one first class woven carpet synthetic green; four plexipave tennis courts with lights on two courts for evening play; and a top class lawn for Croquet who also make use of the grass bowling greens on occasion.
In addition, the clubhouse provides very good dining facilities in the spacious upstairs Ripview Bistro with magnificent views of the "Rip" and passing ships. Two bars and an outside barbecue area are also available to keep members and visitors entertained.
The Club offers formal, informal and casual opportunities to play three sports, many visitors enjoy the opportunity to drop in for a casual hit of tennis or to have a go at some barefoot bowls, so drop in for a drink from the bar and a casual game or two to add some recreational fun to your visit to Queenscliff.
Queenscliff Bowling, Tennis & Croquet Club strives to be an open, member based community club providing the best possible sporting and recreational facilities and services through partnerships in the region.
Special Features
Bar, Barbeque, Carpark, Coach Parking, Family Friendly, Food and Refreshments, Non Smoking, Public Toilet, Disabled access available, contact operator for details., Sports